Full-Time HSE Executive
Salary range: ~RM3000
Job Description
1) At least Degree in respective Occupational Health & Environmental Field
2) Possessed certification for CePSWaM
3) Minimum 1-2 years’ experience
• To manage scheduled waste according to Scheduled Waste Regulation 2005.
• Prepared report for submission to DOE
• Liaise with DOE/DOSH/BOMBA and consultant for related issue.
• Conduct HSE trainings as well as Environmental & Safety trainings
• Plan, coordinate and implement HSE measures to provide a conducive, safe,
healthy and work environment that meets HSE performance target and industry
best practices.
• Propose solutions day-to-day safety and health issues that affect company
personnel & property and discuss with the management and the Committee.
• Perform detailed HSE inspection of plant & office facilities on a weekly/monthly
basis in accordance to inspection checklist to ensure compliance with safety
standards and rectify any safety & health deficiencies must be highlighted.
• Take appropriate steps to resolve any notice issued by government inspectors.
• Revise safety and health policy as necessary to avoid recurrence of problems.
Perform detailed investigations after occurrence accidents.
• Provide report on cause of accidents and consideration within a reasonable time
frame after each accident.
• Organise training on fire drill, first aid, chemicals spilled / leakage/ scheduled
waste & other areas which help to strengthen Health, Safety and Environment.
• Organise and coordinate ERCMC/EPMC meetings, including arranging for minute to
be taken.
• Perform regular inspection and testing of all safety and fire-fighting equipment to
ensure they are in good working condition. Ensure servicing of equipment is done
on timely basis.
• Monday to Friday (9am – 6pm)
• Annual Leave
How to Apply
Please drop your resume to hasanah_aziz94@yahoo.com or contact Ms.Hasanah at 01133780432947 total views, 2 today